Tales of the Prophets (Qisas Al-Anbiya)
Muhammad ibn Abd Allah al-Kisa'i
The Tablet and the Pen
The Creation of Water
The Creation of the Canopy and the Throne
The Creation of the Earth, the Mountains and the Seas
The Creation of the Heavens and the Angels
The Creation of the Sun and Moon
The Creation of Paradise and Hell
The Creation and Beginnings of the Djinn & Iblis' Period of Worship
The Creation of Adam
The Entrance of the Spirit into Adam's Body
The Prostration of the Angels before Adam
The Inspiration of the Names to Adam
Adam Rises up to Preach
The Creation of Eve
The Epoch Wherein Adam Held the Trust
The Peacock's Conversation with Iblis
The Serpent, and Iblis' Entry into Paradise
The Expulsion of Adam from Paradise
The Address of Eve
The Expulsion of the Peacock from Paradise
The Expulsion of the Serpent from Paradise
Harut and Marut
Iblis' Query
Adam's Query
Eve's Query
The Story of the Eagle and the Fish
A Description of the Locust
Adam's Repentance
Mankind Undertakes the Covenant
The Cock God Gave Adam
Eve's First Conception
Adam's Mission
The Story of Cain and Abel
The Circumstances of Adam's Death
A Description of Death
Adam's Bequest & Eve's Death
Seth Fights Cain
The Prophet Idris
The Story of Noah
Noah's Mission
Noah's Ark
The Deluge
Noah's Curse on Ham
Noah's Bequest to Shem
The Offspring of Ham, Shem & Japheth
The Prophet Hud
Salih ibn Kanuh and His People, the Tribe of Thamud
The Slaughter of the Camel & the Destruction of Thamud
The Children of Cush and Nimrod
The Story of Abraham
Abraham's Migration to the Sacred Land
Hagar and Ishmael
The Story of Lot
The Story of Isaac
Jacob and Esau
The Story of Joseph
Joseph's Brethren in Egypt
The Death of Jacob and Joseph
The Prophet Job
The Prophet Shuayb
Moses son of Manasseh son of Joseph
The Story of Pharaoh
The Story of Asiya, Daughter of Muzahim
Moses and Aaron
The Parting of the Sea
Balaam son of Beor, and Korah
Og son of Anak
The Story of the Cow
The Death of Aaron and Moses
Joshua son of Nun
Josephus son of Caleb son of Jephunneh
Eleazar son of Aaron and Elijah son of Asasiah
Samuel, Saul, David and Goliath
David's Mission
The Bird of Temptation
Absalom, David's Son
The Birth of Solomon
The Story of Those Who Did Not Keep the Sabbath
The Death of David
The Story of Solomon
The City of Sheba
Sedition and the Loss of the Ring
The Death of Solomon
Jonah son of Matthew
Jesus son of Mary