The Ranks of Saints in Islam
Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti
Rashad Jameer, translation
Hadiths on the Qutb, Ghawth and Abdaal
The Holy Quran explicitly mentions the saints (awliya), saying: Behold! Verily for the friends of Allah (awliya Allah) there is no fear, nor shall they grieve (Quran 1:26).
Therefore we must all agree that there are awliya in Islam. The early scholars of Hadith were very interested in the topic and gathered not only Hadith but even non-Prophetic reports (attar) about their states and the miracles given to them by Allah, called karamaat.
This blessed treatise by the saintly polymath Imam al-Suyuti is a succinct presentation of the reports regarding the awliya with Hadith-referencing done by the meticulous Hadith scholar, Shaykh Abdullah al-Ghumari.
Preface by Shaykh G.F. Haddad
Biography of Imam al-Suyuti
Part 1: Hadith of Sahaba
Part 2: Reports from the Tabi'in
Part 3: Reports from Non-Sahaba