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Islamic Civilisation Book Club - Book 3 (Intellect)

Islamic Civilisation Book Club - Book 3 (Intellect)

2. Preservation of Intellect

Al-Ghazali and Academic Excellence by M Hasanul Arifin


Pre-Reading of Book 3 of
The Islamic Civilisation Book Club 2023

Date: 6 Aug 2023, Sunday
Time: 10:30 am Singapore
Venue: Reading Loft (Level 2, stairs only)

No registration required

Discussion Themes
These themes will be discussed at the post-reading session
• adab towards learning
• education as ta'dib

Purchase Book: Click here

About M Hasanul Arifin

Muhammad Hasanul Arifin Zawawi obtained his B.Eng (Bioengineering) from the National University of Singapore (2011), PGDE from the National Institute of Education Nanyang Technological University (2012), and M.Phil (Islamic Civilisation) from the Raja Zarith Sofia Centre for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science and Civilisation Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2017). He is concurrently an educator and a Ph.D candidate focussing on Islamic educational thought.

About the Book Club

The book club is chaired by Dr Md Mubarak Habib Md. For some subjects and texts, there will be guest chairs. For participants in the book club, the pace of reading is one book in about 5 weeks. The book club is open to everyone.

The book club is not a class, it’s a purposeful conversation amongst readers who are all reading the same book. All books for the book club are available at Wardah Books.

Click here to find out more about the Islamic Civilisation Book Club as well as this year's selection of books. 

Pre-Reading Session

The chair introduces the text, places the text within its field of study, introduces and explains key terms to look out for in the text, introduces the author, and provides guidance on reading the text. Participants will then proceed to read the book over the next 5 weeks or until the Post-reading Session.

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